When it comes to the adventures of Playful’s mascot, Lucky Swifttail, we hear one request frequently. People want to own the physical version of New Super Lucky’s Tale. Specifically, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions we launched this past August.
We have good news: this will be possible very soon!
Starting November 17, Best Buy and GameStop will have both versions available to buy online and in stores. Lucky will also burrow his way online at major retailers like Amazon, Target.com, and Walmart.com.
These are American region versions for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One/Xbox Series X. For those of you keeping track, that makes for a total of 5 different ways to own on carbon what TechRaptor called “a standout modern 3D platformer”. The others are PQube’s PS4 and Switch versions for Europe and Nintendo of America’s Switch version for…you guessed it: the Americas.
Join us in a round of a-paws for COKeM International, who have been very busy behind the scenes managing the manufacturing and distribution to get these beauts ready in time for the holidays…

Speaking of which, why not get your holiday shopping done early by pre-ordering a copy today?