by David Calkins | Mar 5, 2021 | Lucky's Tale, Playful Studios
Greetings Lucky fans! It’s been a while, but we have a fair amount of news to share. First, for those of you who still don’t own New Super Lucky’s Tale (or know family or friends who might enjoy it), the game is now available for $29.99 USD across all digital...
by David Calkins | Nov 17, 2020 | Lucky's Tale, Playful Studios
We’re celebrating a few awesome things today. First, New Super Lucky’s Tale is now available on physical disc for Xbox One/Series X and PlayStation 4. (They had previously only been available digitally in the Americas region). Second, the Lucky’s Tale...
by David Calkins | Nov 12, 2020 | Lucky's Tale, Playful Studios
When it comes to the adventures of Playful’s mascot, Lucky Swifttail, we hear one request frequently. People want to own the physical version of New Super Lucky’s Tale. Specifically, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions we launched this past August. We have...
by David Calkins | Oct 29, 2020 | Lucky's Tale, Playful Studios
We have some great news for fans of Lucky who haven’t picked up New Super Lucky’s Tale yet… The game now has a free demo! The demo is available today on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Steam. You can grab it for free and experience the...
by David Calkins | Aug 30, 2020 | Lucky's Tale, Playful Studios
The soundtrack for New Super Lucky’s Tale is finally available!! We love game soundtracks. In our opinion, some of the most innovative and exciting music ever created by humans is found in game soundtracks. We don’t just enjoy them while gaming either....
by David Calkins | Aug 21, 2020 | Lucky's Tale, Playful Studios
At last, the day is here! The quintessential Lucky experience — New Super Lucky’s Tale — is now available on nearly every platform imaginable… PlayStation 4Xbox OneSteamThe Epic Games StoreXbox Game PassThe Microsoft StoreNintendo SwitchWindows 10Windows 8Even...