This update is the culmination of 8 years of development and everything our players love about the game, all in a new pay-once-play-forever package. As we explained earlier this fall, we decided to pivot away from free-to-play in this new version that removes the Playful-hosted elements and puts the entire game into your hands.
This change allowed us to make things vastly more customizable for players. Want a world with infinite stamina, a 1 second timer on all processor materials, one-hit kills on all mobs, and holiday events turned on year-round? Done. Want under-the-hood options for managing a server, its players, and backups? You got it. In fact, if this pivot proves successful, we could add support for even wilder stuff like mods. And while multiplayer will now be up to players to host, there will still be a list of public worlds to join.
On top of this, we’ve added a ton of new content and improvements, overhauled the core progression loop, and added a new mailbox tool for sending messages to players in other worlds. There’s also a bunch of new tools for managing your world and its players, including a separate web admin interface with a lot of neat extras.
Here are 2 important details you should know:
- If you purchased either DLC or bought coins, this is a free update!
- For the next 90 days, you’ll be able to migrate all of your worlds from our servers. You can also migrate any worlds other players have whitelisted for download. Please download your worlds asap and back them up asap, as we won’t be able to recover them once the deadline has passed!
Check out the full patch notes here.