by Kenneth Huynh | Oct 21, 2019 | Gaming, Playful Studios
5 Spooky Video Games That Are Also Family Friendly Some fun scares and thrills that are appropriate for all ages. Follow O ctober is the month for witches and warlocks, ghosts and goblins, monsters and magic, and all manner of the supernatural and spooky. There are...
by Chad Hugghins | Oct 18, 2019 | Entertainment, Playful Studios
Playforce 1: How a Video Game Studio Became an Airshow Staple If you think the only way we spread joy is through video games, think again. Follow T his year fans across the country will be entertained by something Playful has been working on for years. But this piece...
by Barbara Castro | Oct 8, 2019 | Gaming, Playful Studios
Best Games of 2019! Or at least some of our favorites that we finally got around to playing in 2019. Game backlog is real guys. Follow I n the world of games, there’s a plethora of ranking systems, podcasts, blogs and news publications dedicated to telling us what...
by Chad Hugghins | Aug 27, 2019 | Gaming, Playful Studios
Behind the Scenes at Treehouse Live with Taylor Sauer Find out from artist Taylor Sauer what it was like to be one of two people from Playful Studios chosen to represent New Super Lucky’s Tale on Nintendo’s famous Treehouse Live broadcast at E3. Follow...
by Barbara Castro | Aug 20, 2019 | Playful Studios
A Day in the Life of a Game Dev And not just ANY game dev. Meet Stephen Hurd. Follow M eet Stephen Hurd, a Playful Studios developer! Being a dev can mean so many things but what does it mean deep in the heart of Texas? Stephen has the answers. 7:30 AM: Wake up and...
by David Calkins | Nov 7, 2018 | Playful Studios Take a Look Inside Our New Studio Headquarters We’ve been in our new building for just over a week now and we. Love. It. The Dallas Business Journal met with us the other day to learn about the building and take some photos. You can read their...