Best Games of 2019!
In the gaming world, there are a plethora of ranking systems, podcasts, blogs and news publications dedicated to telling us what we should play next. But what are the game devs playing that they would recommend?
Behind the Scenes at Treehouse Live with Taylor Sauer
Wonder what it’s like to be in front of the camera during Nintendo’s famed Treehouse Live broadcast? We interviewed Playful Artist Taylor Sauer to find out.
The Top 10 Foxes of All Time
A completely unbiased Top 10 list from across the world of fictional and real foxes.
A Day in the Life of a Game Dev
Wonder what it’s like to work at Playful Studios? Stephen Hurd takes us along on a typical day.
My Favorite Non-Gaming Twitch Channels
Twitch is known for video game streams, but what about all of the non-gaming content? Here are our favorite “other” Twitch channels to follow.
Why Most of the Best New TV Shows This Fall Are Older Than Me
Why are the best new TV Shows this fall just rebooting old franchises? And just how old are these properties anyway? We investigate and get answers!
You Won’t Live to See the Final Disney Remake
Another Disney remake? Yes. Get used to it. If you’re wondering why the box office seems to only show remakes and franchises, read this.
5 Streamer Musts to Get Noticed by Game Studios/Community Managers
Are you a streamer trying to get the attention of Game Studios and Community Managers? Here are our 5 streamer musts for getting our attention.
New Super Lucky’s Tale Arrives November 8, 2019
New Super Lucky’s Tale release date reveal. Plus, a new trailer!
Best Games of 2019!
In the gaming world, there are a plethora of ranking systems, podcasts, blogs and news publications dedicated to telling us what we should play next. But what are the game devs playing that they would recommend?
New Super Lucky’s Tale
Behind the Scenes From Our Nintendo Treehouse Live Broadcast
Artist Taylor Sauer shares what it was like participating in the iconic E3 livestream.